Wednesday 28 May 2014

The Amazimg Cross Country

It's Tuesday 27th of May 2014.
I can't believe it, today is the cross country! It is at Edendale.  Wyndham, Tuturau and Glenham are going to the cross country too. Every other year I had come 6th so I'm not sure what I'm going to come.  I get nervous at the end because  I see all of these faces and every one is shouting at you. I came down to Edendale in Mrs Mckenzies car. 

15 min later ... bang my race starts. I am in 4th place.  My first lap around the paddock around the back of the school, 2nd lap around the back of the school, FINISH!!! I  see dad smiling and a lot of other people. "I am glad it is over and done with until next year" I say to grandma and dad.  I came ... 3rd. !!!